Are you having trouble completing a crossword puzzle that requires you to fill in a term related to agreement or concord? If so, we are here to help!

In grammar, agreement, also known as concord, refers to the relationship between the subject and verb in a sentence. The subject and verb must agree in number and person for the sentence to be grammatically correct.

Now, let’s explore some common crossword clues related to agreement or concord.

1. “___ of nouns” (agreement between nouns and pronouns): The answer to this clue is “pronoun.” Pronouns are often used in place of nouns and must agree with the noun they replace.

2. “Subject-___ agreement” (concord between the subject and verb in a sentence): The answer to this clue is “verb.” The verb in a sentence must agree with the subject in terms of number and person.

3. “___ tense” (agreement between the verb tense and the time frame of the sentence): The answer to this clue is “past.” The past tense of a verb is used to indicate that an action happened in the past.

4. “___ person” (agreement between the subject and verb in terms of person): The answer to this clue is “third.” The third-person subject agrees with a third-person verb in a sentence.

5. “___-number agreement” (concord between the subject and verb in terms of number): The answer to this clue is “singular.” A singular subject requires a singular verb, while a plural subject requires a plural verb.

6. “___ mood” (agreement between the verb and the sentence type): The answer to this clue is “subjunctive.” The subjunctive mood is used to express hypothetical or contrary-to-fact situations.

7. “___ case” (agreement between pronoun case and its function in the sentence): The answer to this clue is “nominative.” A pronoun in the nominative case is used as the subject of a sentence.

In conclusion, understanding the basics of agreement or concord can help you complete crossword puzzles related to grammar and language. Whether you’re a language lover or just looking to improve your skills, keep these clues in mind for your next word game challenge!